CommonLook PDF GlobalAccess Comparison Chart

Choose the features you need.

Features Version 4.0 Global Access Standard Global Access Advanced
Section 508 Checkpoints
Advanced Table Editor
Support tables with linked headers
Merge tables on rows
Linearize tables horizontally
Structural validation based on ISO 32000-1:2008
WCAG 2.0 AA Checkpoints
PDF/UA 1.0 Checkpoints
HHS Accessibility Checkpoints
“Level Up functionality” moves a child tag from its parent
Support documents with structure spanning multiple consecutive pages
Support documents with structure that moves between pages (newspaper-style articles)
Validate structural integrity before opening the document, virtually eliminating document corruption warning and unsuccessful applies
New selection tool supporting multi-pages
Support for Unicode documents and multiple languages
Dramatically improved load, validation and saving times
Flatten tags functionality removes all grouping elements (Document, Part, Art, Sect and Div)
Split text runs
Support for more attributes including Table Summary, link targets, tag title, ID, IsMap, Form field names, ListNumbering, PrintField attributes, all Languages supported by the PDF Standard (ISO 639-1) and all countries supported by the PDF Standard
Support for meta data including Title, Author, Subject, Keywords, Display Document Title and Document Language and Country
Extensive reporting including the Matterhorn Protocol
View/Edit Role Maps
Find and Replace Symbols and text functionality, splitting text runs if necessary
Conversion from any tag type to another
Expanded selection modes
Ability to customize checkpoints and save/load checkpoint configurations
 Support for quality validation including broken Links (local links and hyperlinks,)  valid annotation actions, empty tags and empty tags with alternative text
Remove Role maps functionality to convert custom tag types to standard tag types
Search for tags by type and attribute values. Perform operations on search results (Merge, Convert, Untag, … etc.)
Find and Replace text using regular expressions
Ability to merge any number of tags of any types
Generate Table from Selection
Generate List from Selection
Generate Table of Contents from Selection
Merge tables on columns
Assign Linked Headers from Scope functionality
Linearize tables vertically
“Tag Similar” feature allows for smart tagging based on similar attributes