The Dashboard Screen

The Dashboard tab on the toolbar.

After logging into Clarity, Org. Admins. and App. Users are automatically taken to the Dashboard screen where, once scans have been run, CommonLook can provide a number of snapshots (“Widgets”) of your organization’s PDF compliance.  (Super Admins. will be brought here after they choose their Database on the Change Database screen.)

If you don’t have any Widgets yet, proceed to the next section on Creating Widgets.

Creating Widgets:

After Domains have been created and Tasks have been run, Widgets can be created.  (If needed, navigate to the Domains page or the Tasks page to learn more.)

Follow these steps to create Widgets on your Dashboard:

  1. Use the “Create New Widget” button on the Dashboard screen.
    The Dashboard screen with the Create New Widget button highlighted.
  2. In the form screen that opens, fill in the appropriate fields as described here:
    • Select Widget Type (dropdown menu):
      • Current: Provides data from the most recent scan of a particular domain.
      • Historical: Provides data comparing previous scans.  Choosing “Historical” will open additional form options for “Time Comparison,” explained in more detail below.
    • Name your widget. Use the Domain’s name or choose something else.
    • Domains (dropdown menu). Select the Domain(s) for which you’d like data displayed.  Choose at least one.  (The dropdown will only list the Domains that you have access to.)
    • Standards (dropdown menu). Choose the PDF standard(s) that you’d like displayed.  You can “Select all” or choose from:
      • ISO 32000-1:2008 – The PDF standard – makes sure that PDF specifications were followed when the PDF was created.
      • Section 508 – This is the “Pre-Refresh” 508 standard (2001).
      • WCAG 2.0 (Revised Section 508 – 2017) – Priority AA (double A) is implied.
      • PDF/UA – ISO 14289 – “UA” stands for Universal Accessibility.
      • HHS – The U.S. Health and Human Services standard.
      • HHS (2018 regulations)
    • Time Comparison (This option is only available when creating a Historical widget). Choose the radio button for the time comparison option that best meets your needs and provide additional information as required.
    • Choose one or more Metrics from the options below:
      • Standard Metrics: The Widget will show how many PDFs have Passed (all checkpoints), Failed (at least one checkpoint), have Warnings (no checkpoints have failed but there could still be issues) and how many PDFs require User Verification (for example, manually checking for color/contrast issues).
      • Domain Metrics: Displays how many files were Tested, Tagged, Untagged, Protected, how many Broken Links there were (trying to follow a link to a PDF doesn’t actually take you to the document), and how many PDFs are Corrupted (so that CommonLook couldn’t open and test them).
  3. Select “Create.”

The form to create a new widget showing the various fields as described in detail in the previous list. The Create button is highlighted as well.

After entering the information in the Create New Widget form screen and choosing “Create,” the information will be displayed in the Widget similar to the example below.

The Dashboard screen with a Widget displayed. Pie charts, bar graphs, and data tables provide the data that was requested when completing the form to create the Widget.

Use the Edit or Delete button below and to the right of the Widget Name to change or remove the Widget at any time.  (Alternatively, choose Delete from the Options section below the widget data.)

The Edit and Delete options for Widgets are highlighted on the Dashboard.